
Internationally Approved and Valid

First, accredit your academy company and add your academy courses for free. Then generate student certificates to your courses.

Accredit your academy course, and generate student certificate.

You can add academy course by accrediting them free of charge to generate student certificates.

How to do it?

Course accreditation is free. You will be able to use your accredited courses when generating certificates for your students.

In order for the page of course accreditation to be active on your account, you must have at least one company accreditation. Then this page will be active.

In this section, you can add a course or certificate program name from your academy for free. After approval, your course or certificate program names will be presented to your choice when generating a student certificate. First, sign up free.  Enter course or certificate program title and information to be accredited. The accreditation result will also be sent to your e-mail address.

Application Steps

Free Academy Course Accreditation

Course accreditations are free and unlimited for the academies that accredit the company.


Accredit Your Academy Course

Academy Course Accreditation


Free for Accredited Company​
  • In order for courses of your academy to be active, you must have at least one company accreditation. You can add courses of your academy for free. After approval, your course names will be available for your choice when generating a student certificate.


Sign up for free, and send your course information and content for approval! Give internationally approved certificates. That is all!


Write to us for any questions you may have.

Academies need use their own course and certificate programs when generating certificates for their students. These courses are written on the certificates. If you want to generate a certificate, you need accredit your courses or certificate programs.

Yes, firstly, you need to accredit your company. After that, you can add as many courses or certificate programs as you wish for free.

First, open a free account, accredit your company, enter your course details through the panel for course accreditation.

The results of a course accreditation application are usually evaluated and finalized within 1-7 business days. The outcome will be communicated to your registered email address.

As long as your company accreditation is active, you will be able to use the courses you have accredited when generating student certificates.

No. It is completely free. As long as you have at least one company accreditation, you can accredit as many courses as you wish for free.

Do you still have questions about this service? Contact us today

Accreditation Valid in All Countries